School library advice — 0800 and email

Facilitator providing school library advice and support.

Contact us for advice about developing your school library environment and services to support teaching and learning in your school. Our capability facilitators can also answer any questions you have about our services.

Contact our facilitators

For advice or support:

We also welcome your feedback and suggestions.

We can answer questions and give advice

We can answer many of your questions and offer professional advice — over the phone or using email. The sorts of things we can help you with are:

  • how to use our services (e.g. queries about our lending service)

  • your library building or renovation project

  • how your school library can create readers and support literacy development for all students

  • how your school library can support inquiry learning

  • how to develop your library’s collection to meet the needs of your students using a mix of print and online resources

  • how to use an online catalogue to provide the best access to your library’s resources.

Other ways we can help

There are other ways we can support your school library and services, including providing professional development for library and teaching staff. Explore these links or talk to one of our capability facilitators to find out more:

Develop your ideal school library environment and services — one of our facilitators can work with your school to help you develop your library environment and services, and the expertise needed to lead and manage them.

Capability building projects to improve student learning — a longer-term collaboration with your school or Community of Learning | Kāhui Ako, led by one of our facilitators.

Professional learning courses and events — see what's coming up online, or in your area.