Renew books, overdue books, lost or damaged books

Signposts that read 'lost', 'found', 'searching' amongst barren, mountainous scenery with circling, black birds in the sky

Image by JanBaby. Pixabay. License to use.

Read our policy about renewing loans of books. Find out what to do if your books are overdue or you've lost or damaged one.

Renewal of books

As a national service, we try to ensure that all schools have equal access to books in the Schools Lending Collection. We may be able to renew your books if they aren't in high demand — contact Services to Schools.

Secondary and composite schools, and home educators borrowing books from our Wellington, Overseas Non-fiction Collection and Wellington, New Zealand Pacific Collection can renew these loans for 2 further periods of 5 weeks if no other borrowers are waiting for the books.

To renew Wellington-based books, contact Collection Delivery.

Books in our lending collections for schools

Dates to request or return books

Overdue books

We don't charge if books from the Schools Lending Collection are overdue — but do send them back as soon as possible.

If you're waiting on a few of our books to be returned to you from your borrowers, send back the ones you already have. Then send the remaining ones separately as soon as they turn up.

If your overdue books are from our Wellington-based collections, contact Collection Delivery.

Lost books

If the lost book is from the Schools Lending Collection, send us an email explaining what's happened. We don't charge replacement fees for books from this collection. Contact Services to Schools

If the book is from National Library's Wellington-based collections, you'll need to pay a replacement fee plus a non-refundable administration fee of $50.00 (+GST). Contact Collection Delivery to discuss

Damaged books

If the damaged book is from the Schools Lending Collection, please return it when it's due back, along with the rest of your loan.

If the book is from the National Library Collections in Wellington, you may need to pay a replacement fee plus a non-refundable administration fee of $50.00 (+GST). Contact Collection Delivery first to discuss

Contact details for help or more information

Services to Schools — for Schools Lending Collection enquiries:

Collection Delivery team — for enquiries about books from our Wellington-based collections: