
Copyright and re-use — Papers Past newspaper open data

Information about copyright and re-use of the data in the Papers Past open dataset.

The Papers Past open dataset has the copyright status — Out of copyright (New Zealand)

To the best of the Department of Internal Affairs’ knowledge, under New Zealand law, copyright in the material contained within the original newspapers captured in the Papers Past historic newspaper open dataset in New Zealand has expired.

Re-use of Papers Past open data

The material contained within the original newspapers captured in the Papers Past historic newspaper (1839-1903) open dataset may be copied and otherwise re-used in New Zealand without copyright-related restrictions. However, before re-using, users should check the status of any third-party intellectual property rights in any of the materials provided.

If you publish, distribute or otherwise disseminate this work to the public without adapting it, we suggest that the following attribution to the National Library should be used.

Source: Papers Past, National Library of New Zealand Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa.

If you adapt this work in any way or include it in a collection, and publish, distribute or otherwise disseminate that adaptation or collection to the public, use the following attribution.

This (work/product/application/etc) uses data sourced from Papers Past, National Library of New Zealand Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa.

Where practicable, please hyperlink the name Papers Past to https://paperspast.natlib.govt.nz/

Exclusion of liability

Under no circumstances is the National Library of New Zealand or the Department of Internal Affairs (of which the National Library of New Zealand is part) liable to you, any user or any third party on account of your or that party’s use or misuse of or reliance on the dataset.

Get in touch

Let us know how you've found using the data, what's gone well, what hasn't worked, or what might make things easier.

If you have any questions about the data or would like to let us know about projects you have been working on with it, please get in touch.

Email us — paperspast@natlib.govt.nz

Feature image at top of page: Image created by Greig Roulston from pictures from the pilot dataset.