Detail of Grey River Argus, 1917, p2, showing several columns of the page.

Papers Past data using the DigitalNZ API

With the DigitalNZ API you can access and use Papers Past data, including titles, dates, and urls on the Papers Past website. The DigitalNZ API includes only a subset of the Papers Past data.

Using the DigitalNZ API

So you want to create a new application, widget or mashup using the DigitalNZ API? Have a look at DigitalNZ's getting started page for a few tips to get you going.

There is other useful information about using the DigitalNZ API including documentation and code samples on the DigitalNZ developers’ page.

Getting started with DigitalNZ API

DigitalNZ developers

Restricting the API to Papers Past

You can call only Papers Past metadata by specifying a collection of Papers Past in your query. In the example below we are only searching for the text 'social welfare' in Papers Past records:

Return data in json[collection][]=Papers+Past&text=social+welfare

Return data in xml[collection][]=Papers+Pasttext=social+welfare

What can I do with this?

A corpus like this can be great for tracking trends and frequency across time. QueryPic, for example, can chart the frequency of terms, and help you quickly see what was being discussed, and how.

Read about Papers Past data being used in QueryPic

Whatever you make, we’d be interested in hearing about it.

DigitalNZ API terms of use

Metadata available through the DigitalNZ API has been licensed for use by its owners, and API access has some restrictions, such as not sharing your API key and ensuring you identify the source. Papers Past data accessed through the DigitalNZ API is for non-commercial use.

Read the DigitalNZ developer API terms of use

Feature image: Detail of the Grey River Argus, 17 March 1917, Page 2.