Words Kurawaka and a pink water shaped blob.

Kurawaka — Reaching into the red clay: Shaping gender justice in Aotearoa

From 1 March 2023 | Te Puna Foundation Gallery, Ground floor
Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm | Saturday, 9am to 1pm

‘Kurawaka’ showcases the textile and ceramic art works of Jessica Newton, Karla Marie and Maraea Gourlay in response to the creation story of the first woman, Hineahuone. The exhibition highlights the power of collective action leading to change.

Stories of trailblazing women

Artists Jessica Newton, Karla Marie and Maraea Gourlay have responded to the creation story of the first woman, Hineahuone, using natural fibres, clay and illustration.

In this year, the 130th anniversary of the signing of the Women’s Suffrage Petition Te Petihana Whakamana Pōti Wāhine, their artworks speak of the ongoing politicisation of women’s bodies.

Kurawaka tells the stories of trailblazing women who have helped bring about a more equitable society.

Please note that this exhibition contains accurate descriptions and images of the female anatomy.

Kurawaka events

Join us for events that are part of the Kurawaka exhibition

Kurawaka events

Silhouette of a naked, transparent woman floating or rising. There is a blob of pink below her and a small golden globe above her.

Kurawaka handout

This handout is part of the ‘Kurawaka’ exhibition. It is our koha to you and is an opportunity for you to reflect on your own health and wellbeing and develop an action plan.

‘Kurawaka’ handout