Create an EPIC account

Create an EPIC account so you can see EPIC pricing and sub-licence agreements. Your EPIC account is part of your National Library website account.

Who can sign up for an EPIC account?

You can only sign up for access to EPIC pricing and sub-licence information if you are an employee of a New Zealand based library and information service and are responsible for purchasing e-resources.

If you are a school looking for EPIC resources you do not need to join EPIC. A range of EPIC resources are freely available to all New Zealand schools through the Ministry of Education membership.

Is my library eligible for EPIC?
EPIC for New Zealand schools

What is an EPIC account?

EPIC accounts are a subset of the National Library website account. You need to set up a National Library website account and as part of that request an EPIC account.

Don’t have a National Library website account?

  1. Click on the ‘Sign in’ link in the top right-hand corner of the National Library website.

  2. Login with RealMe

    • use your existing RealMe login, or

    • create a RealMe login.

  3. When you are creating your National Library account select ‘I require an EPIC account’.

Create an EPIC account

Already have a National Library website account?

If you already have a National Library website account and now also need an EPIC account email us with your:

  • name

  • email

  • organisation

  • role, and

  • the type of library you work in.

Email EPIC —

How do I know my EPIC account has been created?

We will let you know when the registration process for your EPIC account is complete.

Once you have an EPIC account you can access the EPIC pricing information and sub-licence agreements.

EPIC pricing information and sub-licence agreements