Reusing objects from this site

Find out how to find content on the National Library website that you can reuse.

Your responsibilities

Before downloading, copying or reusing any object found on this site, read the terms of use and/or copyright statement on the object's web page. Ask yourself the following kinds of questions:

  • can you copy and share the object?

  • can you modify the object?

  • can you use the object commercially?

  • do you need to license new creations under identical terms, or

  • does the original creator have specific requirements about how they should be credited.

You may need to follow up with the owner of the copyright to confirm that you can copy or reuse the item.

Using the usage rights filter

To help find material that may be suitable for reuse, the Usage Rights filter in your search results provides a general guide. After performing a search, select one or more of the usage rights filters to show objects from your results that may be suitable for your purposes.


Filter by Share to show results that may be suitable for copying and sharing with others in some way, without further permission. You normally need to credit the creator or owner, and always check that the object's specific terms of use allow for your intended use.


Filter by Modify to show results that may be suitable for modifying, remixing and building upon, without further permission. You normally need to credit the creator or owner, and always check that the object's specific terms of use allow for your intended use. Combine this filter with 'Use commercially' if required.

Use commercially

Filter by Use commercially to show results that may be suitable for commercial use, without further permission. You normally need to credit the creator or owner, and always check that the object's specific terms of use allow for your intended use. Combine this filter with 'Modify' if required.

All rights reserved

These results may only be suitable for the purpose of "fair dealing" under the Copyright Act, unless permission is granted by the creator or copyright owner. You can examine the licence/copyright status of each object on the object's webpage to determine how to ask permission.


These results may only be suitable for the purpose of "fair dealing" under the Copyright Act, unless you can establish they are not in copyright. You may need to undertake research to find the creator and publisher of each object to determine this. It's worth noting that there may be material classified under 'Unknown' that is suitable for sharing, modification and commercial use but you will need to check the object's specific terms of use.

Images in the Alexander Turnbull Library free download pool, and those added to our Flickr Commons page, have been determined to have no known copyright.

No further permissions are required to use these images. You can copy these items, share them, and post them to a blog or website. They can be modified, remixed, and built upon. They can be used commercially.

Alexander Turnbull Library free download pool
Flickr Commons page